Southern Baptist leader special ability
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2024-05-12 23:36:15 UTC
I am still offering special abilities determination and/or matchmaking
readings, free for now, though if you are subsequently happy with
the reading I would not reject a gift.

To demonstrate the ability, I divine that

Southern Baptist leader Bart Barber has prophetic dreams
(from one year in the future onward) special ability, which
Sarah McLachlan also has. They may be able to prime
the ability before sleep and perhaps wake up in the middle
of the night and write down their dreams before they forget them.

And if I have been successful in my most recent mystic
activation sequence, which is unlikely, they are also
assisted shaktipat recipients and now have all of my
special abilities other than the special abilities determination
one, but including matchmaking. And if I have not
yet been successful perhaps I will be soon.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her head to
find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)
Richard Carl Silk
2024-05-13 18:41:45 UTC
Hey David, long time, no chat.

Here's something you may wish to analyze (or not, your choice) but it's largely
available in an internet search, at any rate, and that's my name:
Richard Carl Silk


Post by David Dalton
I am still offering special abilities determination and/or matchmaking
readings, free for now, though if you are subsequently happy with
the reading I would not reject a gift.
To demonstrate the ability, I divine that
Southern Baptist leader Bart Barber has prophetic dreams
(from one year in the future onward) special ability, which
Sarah McLachlan also has. They may be able to prime
the ability before sleep and perhaps wake up in the middle
of the night and write down their dreams before they forget them.
And if I have been successful in my most recent mystic
activation sequence, which is unlikely, they are also
assisted shaktipat recipients and now have all of my
special abilities other than the special abilities determination
one, but including matchmaking. And if I have not
yet been successful perhaps I will be soon.
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"Mary walks down to the water's edge and there she hangs Her head to
find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2024-05-13 18:56:51 UTC
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Hey David, long time, no chat.
Here's something you may wish to analyze (or not, your choice) but it's largely
Richard Carl Silk
Well, if the first two images in an images.google.com
search for your name are pictures of you, you have
out of body travel special ability and also backward
dreams (from one year in the past backward) special
ability, which you might be able to prime before sleep and
then maybe wake up in the middle of the night and
write down your dreams before you forget them

Also you are straight-type-1-M and have a good
(straight-type-1-F) match, and are locked for life.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her head to
find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)
Richard Carl Silk
2024-05-18 19:38:37 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Hey David, long time, no chat.
Here's something you may wish to analyze (or not, your choice) but it's largely
Richard Carl Silk
Well, if the first two images in an images.google.com
search for your name are pictures of you, you have
out of body travel special ability and also backward
dreams (from one year in the past backward) special
ability, which you might be able to prime before sleep and
then maybe wake up in the middle of the night and
write down your dreams before you forget them
Also you are straight-type-1-M and have a good
(straight-type-1-F) match, and are locked for life.
While I'm familiar with "OOBE," what might "special ability" entail? (I do post
in alt.dreams regularly, as I believe "Reality Conforms to Thought.")

Normally, I write my dreams (or sketch a memo on the subjects) after waking in
the morning.

Here's a little something to help people trigger "instant REM stage"-

(It allows the mind to at least *start* in the conscious stage while entering
the REM phase.)

The rest of your analysis seems "spot on," although I was actually going for the
numerological analysis. (This was meant more as a little something for you to
toy around with, as the numbers (destiny/birthpath/power number) are already

But thanks for the reply! ?

So what are you up to these days?
David Dalton
2024-05-18 21:58:52 UTC
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Post by David Dalton
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Hey David, long time, no chat.
Here's something you may wish to analyze (or not, your choice) but it's largely
Richard Carl Silk
Well, if the first two images in an images.google.com
search for your name are pictures of you, you have
out of body travel special ability and also backward
dreams (from one year in the past backward) special
ability, which you might be able to prime before sleep and
then maybe wake up in the middle of the night and
write down your dreams before you forget them
Also you are straight-type-1-M and have a good
(straight-type-1-F) match, and are locked for life.
While I'm familiar with "OOBE," what might "special ability" entail?
Well, I don’t think just anyone is capable of out of body travel,
and that those who are have an out of body travel special
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Here's a little something to help people trigger "instant REM stage"-
(It allows the mind to at least *start* in the conscious stage while entering
the REM phase.)
Post by Richard Carl Silk
The rest of your analysis seems "spot on," although I was actually going for the
numerological analysis. (This was meant more as a little something for you to
toy around with, as the numbers (destiny/birthpath/power number) are already
But thanks for the reply! ?
So what are you up to these days?
I got my Ph.D. in Geophysics in May of 2018, then took a
year off, then spent some time applying for an Applied
Mathematics NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, which
I failed to get. Then during the peak years of the pandemic
my academic career was on the back burner, and also
from January 2022 to August of 2023 I acted as an evenings,
nights, and Sundays part-time family home support worker
backing up my ill brother’s main daytime home support
worker. He is now in a long term care home and I visit
him regularly.

And for some time now I have been attempting my mystic
activation sequence, in numerous Sisyphean attempts
as described on alt.religion.druid, but am having little
luck so far, though I have hopes for the Victoria Day
holiday on Monday. I also have had my matchmaking
ability for some months now, and also recently the
special abilities determination ability, but nobody seems
inclined to believe or test them. I am often up very late
(often until dawn) but do get enough sleep and my energy
and mood are good and my relations with other people
offline are good, and I won’t believe my mystic stuff is
working without evidence. And I continue to take
1000 mg divalproex and 7.5 mg olanzapine nightly and
to abstain from alcohol 1--9 days before full moon (including now).

But I would like to get out of this endless loop and on
to other stuff such as researching cetacean communication,
building on my old physics clues towards an interstellar
drive and cheap green energy, and. if my mystic stuff
does eventually work, explaining it to atheists. I would
also like to travel some and hopefully visit the power spots
of what I call the popthroughs. I would also like to
benefit some from my matchmaking and special abilities
determination abilities, and from that fund my other
research and my travel.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Mary walks down to the water’s edge and there she hangs Her head to
find herself faded a shadow of what she once was" (Sarah McLachlan)
Richard Carl Silk
2024-05-20 21:05:40 UTC
RCS:> "> So what are you up to these days?"

DD:> "I got my Ph.D. in Geophysics in May of 2018, then took a
year off, then spent some time applying for an Applied
Mathematics NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, which
I failed to get."

Think of water following the path of least resistance. If the Fellowship is
akin to a boulder in the stream, consider how one might "flow around" it by
connecting with the people *already associated with* that Fellowship (such as
faculty, staff, former fellowship members, etc.) and aim at "getting to know
them" as people rather than as "connections to help get a Fellowship." *Then*
after a few months of this making of introductions, *then* apply. And see what
happens. (It's like watering the garden in order to grow a seed.)

DD:> "Then during the peak years of the pandemic
my academic career was on the back burner, and also
from January 2022 to August of 2023 I acted as an evenings,
nights, and Sundays part-time family home support worker
backing up my ill brother's main daytime home support
worker. He is now in a long term care home and I visit
him regularly."

I had something similar (yet different) in my life: Following my brain damage
in August of 2013, I moved back in with my (then 83 year-old) mother, and after
she nursed me back to health (which was roughly a year) I started taking care of
paying the bills (all online) which took a load off of her monthly processing
chores. Eventually, that morphed into live-in assisted living as she grew
older. She passed in March (two months ago) and now I'm focusing on things I
actually want to do with my life. One of those has been (all these years)
posting in alt.dreams as a means of establishing an online journal of how dreams
and reality intersect (in different ways, but typically, with some degree of
analogous relevance!)

DD:> "And for some time now I have been attempting my mystic
activation sequence, in numerous Sisyphean attempts
as described on alt.religion.druid,"

Heads-up notice: my "dain bramage" acts as an interesting "filter" of sorts:
that which reflects logically FALSE content is spotted immediately, rejected,
even blocked, while at the same time, that which is logically TRUE get

Having prefaced all that, *IF* you'd like to provide a *short* one-sentence or
even one-(short!-)paragraph on what "Sisyphean attempts" at "mystic activation
sequence" may involve, I *may or may not* be able to share some perspective.
(Things that belong in light grow in light; things that belong in darkness die
in darkness.)

DD:> "but am having little luck so far, though I have hopes for the Victoria Day
holiday on Monday."

Is that Britain/UK or Canada (or both)?

DD:> "I also have had my matchmaking ability for some months now, and also
recently the
special abilities determination ability, but nobody seems
inclined to believe or test them."

Here's something that *may* be of help to you:
Matthew 9:29-..."According to your faith let it be done to you."

So I can absolutely relate on what it's like to have an idea that for some
reason seems to fail to "take root" as it were and "grow."
In seeking to find my own, personal, deepest flaw, by way of trying to observe
the ultimate "truth" of existence, I came up with this *short* story that *may*
be of some help to you in your searching / striving as well:
tinyurl.com/ITTA-TCoU (It's a Google Docs page entitled: "The City of
Understanding"- Either it will make perfect sense, or not. And that alone will
tell you something "relatively important.")

DD:> "I am often up very late (often until dawn) but do get enough sleep and my
and mood are good and my relations with other people
offline are good, and I won't believe my mystic stuff is
working without evidence."

Here's one more link that *may* help (provided you've already digested the
previous one):
tinyurl.com/ITTA-Topic-Ud (scroll down to around page 18, although there should
be an index on the left side, to "IS-BASED IDEOLOGY" and "NOT-BASED IDEOLOGY.")
That which *is perfectly TRUE* reveals Is-Based-Ideology (IBI) whereas that
which is NOT thus reflects NBI.
Again, these are being shared as tools, much as one might share a straight edge
with an architect. They're free to use and share, only please avoid pulling a
Joe Biden and claiming it as your own. Truth is truth and as such belongs to

DD:> "And I continue to take 1000 mg divalproex and 7.5 mg olanzapine nightly
to abstain from alcohol 1--9 days before full moon (including now)."

Having been through the teeter-totter of bipolar (back in the day, it was just
weaning itself from the term "manic depression") I can tell you without question
that *any* amount of alcohol will upset one's inner mind-balance. It "grieves
the spirit" as I heard one person say. All I can tell you is, if one's mind is
flowing as a perfect sine wave, dropping a weight of booze (which may "lift" but
*actually* depresses) onto that sine wave will cause all *sorts* of disruptions.

That link (tinyurl.com/ITTA-TCoU) may help provide some of the "best" medicine
(in text form) but one is always certainly one's own best judge of anything

DD:> "But I would like to get out of this endless loop and on
to other stuff such as researching cetacean communication,"

Dolphin chatter / whale songs? Hey, if they've got "smart collars" that tell
you what your dog or cat wants, translated into English, then AI may help bring
"Day of the Dolphin" to reality!

DD:> "building on my old physics clues towards an interstellar
drive and cheap green energy, and. if my mystic stuff
does eventually work, explaining it to atheists."

See also: Matthew 19:26- ."With man this is impossible, but with God all things
are possible."

DD:> "I would also like to travel some and hopefully visit the power spots
of what I call the popthroughs. I would also like to
benefit some from my matchmaking and special abilities
determination abilities, and from that fund my other
research and my travel."

Find that one thing that grows the money tree.... from there, all sorts of
branches may bloom! ?
