On Feb 21, 2023, teslaStinker wrote(in article
message:r> > On Feb 20, 2023, servant wrote(in> >
http://youtu.be/Nvf1nQRZVts for this cause God shall>
send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:? (2Th 2:11,>
KJV)you are saying can identify the gift of tongues given by the Holy>
Spirit?How would you know, did you interpret the chant?In what sense
does> > God send such things? This question is answered in Rom 1:21-32.
It is not> > God?s will that any man perish, but that all come to
repentance (Joh> > 3:16-20; 2Ti 2:4; 2Pe 3:9; Rev 22:17). If men persist
in rebellion, then> > God gives them over to their own ways which will
damn their souls. It is> > something that He is forced to do because He
cannot save men who persist in> > damning their own souls. God has made
the laws of sowing and reaping and> > this is the sense in which God has
anything to do with such destinies (Gal> > 6:7-8; Isa 45:7.)You would
dare mock the Holy Spirit with your accusations?> > Yes, you were and are
the bearer of a false witness of the things of God.>> Look who is running
his Diaper up his own nose.Only you would think such things.>> 9:21. And
all that heard him were astonished and said: Is not this> he who
persecuted in Jerusalem those that called upon this name> and came hither
for that intent, that he might carry them bound> to the chief priests?>>
Of which you an excommunicated heretic liar fool are no such> thing. And
you just once again, offended to my Good Lord. With> your insubordinations
of speechs. Preaching heretic lies and> about children.... God's most
precious gift.I can not be excommunicated as I was never a RC. Scripture I
quoted was of God thus not of heretic origin. Everything you did here was
bearing false witness of another, and according to you that is a deep
sin.>>> 4:12. For the word of God is living and effectual and more>
piercing than any two edged sword; and reaching unto the division> of the
soul and the spirit, of the joints also and the marrow:> and is a
discerner of the thoughts and intents of the> heart.> 4:13. Neither is
there any creature invisible in his sight: but> all things are naked and
open to his eyes, to whom our speech> is.>> 11:52. Woe to you lawyers,
for you have taken away the key of> knowledge. You yourselves have not
entered in: and those that> were entering in, you have hindered.> 11:53.
And as he was saying these things to them, the Pharisees> and the lawyers
began violently to urge him and to oppress his> mouth about many things,>
11:54. Lying in wait for him and seeking to catch something from> his
mouth, that they might accuse him.>> Sicko devils worm a jw. We know where
your kind goes.You don't for I have a surety that I am going to Heaven to
be with my Lord. So that you know what surety is, it as a guarantee, like
an insurance policy. I can say with with a knowledgeable certainty and also
without purgatory of any type.Have you received on too?
Your the one lying to people not me..... And refuse to
acknowledge the true church because she speaks truth through me.
purpose. So What. Because you want to lie to others That's why..
Bible false. Your the one with a Kings version, not me. The
Saints translated of. The Pope also declares kings versions
you still reject the truth heretic. Which yes excommunicated
you God has. No, you cannot change it without apology and going
to confession.