2023-09-01 05:45:36 UTC
Really, However, it is all contingent on one thing. And it is in the
beginning of His saying here.
Joh 14:12-14
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I
do shall he do also; and greater worksthan these shall he do; because I go
unto my Father.
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father
may be glorified in the Son.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
Everything in these verses is totally dependent on Faith in Jesus. That we
must be Born Again, and filled with his spirit, Romans 8:9,10.
Jesus is speaking to all that everyone from the least in the kingdom to the
greatest who walks by Faith in Him and not some religious traditions of men
that these things will be, because He, our High Priest is there before our
Heavenly Father advocating for us. Us, We, how are filled with the same
spirit of God that He was filled with as he ascended out of the Jordon River.
He will operate through those that are humble before Him, and not those that
are prideful, since that is a lust of the flesh, but via those who fully
recognize that the dynamite power that raised Jesus from the dead, dwells in
us, and that is what enables a child of God to do the works of God, even to
the speaking or prophesying the words of God given to us for the benefit of
all the ekklesia.
You see, Satan, the deceiver, as an angel of light has deceived many
seemingly high and mighty ones into believing that the works of God are dead.
Those teachings are so embedded in the hearts of men that they are hardened
to God operating through them,
BUT! The Later day rain as prophesied by Joel IS soon to be in full operation
and this later rain is going to be world wide, springing up everywhere, and
God will get all the Glory for it as those operating in the spirit will
mainly be the young, and new to the family of God, spreading the word of God
and doing the works of God as HE Wills. Yes, there will come a reset, as well
as an uprooting of the staid ones. For this is the final harvest before the
time if the Gentiles is over, and the Lord takes us all Home to be with Him
forever more!
So be counted worthy to escape that wrath that is to come.
beginning of His saying here.
Joh 14:12-14
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I
do shall he do also; and greater worksthan these shall he do; because I go
unto my Father.
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father
may be glorified in the Son.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
Everything in these verses is totally dependent on Faith in Jesus. That we
must be Born Again, and filled with his spirit, Romans 8:9,10.
Jesus is speaking to all that everyone from the least in the kingdom to the
greatest who walks by Faith in Him and not some religious traditions of men
that these things will be, because He, our High Priest is there before our
Heavenly Father advocating for us. Us, We, how are filled with the same
spirit of God that He was filled with as he ascended out of the Jordon River.
He will operate through those that are humble before Him, and not those that
are prideful, since that is a lust of the flesh, but via those who fully
recognize that the dynamite power that raised Jesus from the dead, dwells in
us, and that is what enables a child of God to do the works of God, even to
the speaking or prophesying the words of God given to us for the benefit of
all the ekklesia.
You see, Satan, the deceiver, as an angel of light has deceived many
seemingly high and mighty ones into believing that the works of God are dead.
Those teachings are so embedded in the hearts of men that they are hardened
to God operating through them,
BUT! The Later day rain as prophesied by Joel IS soon to be in full operation
and this later rain is going to be world wide, springing up everywhere, and
God will get all the Glory for it as those operating in the spirit will
mainly be the young, and new to the family of God, spreading the word of God
and doing the works of God as HE Wills. Yes, there will come a reset, as well
as an uprooting of the staid ones. For this is the final harvest before the
time if the Gentiles is over, and the Lord takes us all Home to be with Him
forever more!
So be counted worthy to escape that wrath that is to come.