Philip Stallings Argues for Execution of Gays
(too old to reply)
2014-10-31 14:00:26 UTC
"Christian" Talk Radio Roundup

Posted on Oct 28, 2014
Excerpts from Philip Stallings call-in to "Reformation Nation" arguing
as a theonomist that it is the responsibility of the civil government to
carry out Old Testament law, including the execution of "sodomites."

Perkins: Halloween Is Very Dangerous, Demonic

Alan Robertson: US Turning Into Nazi Germany

Wiles: Obama's the Antichrist

Perkins: Gay Rights Is A Population Control Plot

Broun: Obama May Be Purposefully Spreading Ebola

Perkins: GOP Must Impeach Obama After Election, No Excuses

Murrell: Get Condoms At Gay Bars For Your Birth Control

Barber: Satan Deceiving People Into Going Soft On LGBT Rights
2014-10-31 14:36:32 UTC
MORE "Christian" Talk Radio Roundup

Wiles: Gays Will Make Us Slaves

Wiles: 'Gaystapo' & Obama Seizing Power

Bradlee Dean: No 'Right' To Put ‘A Bunch Of Homosexuals Into Federal


Hice: Penn State Scandal Result of Sep. of Church & State


LaBarbera: Obama Will Answer To Go For Helping The Evil Homosexual Agenda!


Rafael Cruz: 'Divinely Inspired' Constitution Requires Election Of
'Righteous' Politicians


Vick: Get Rid Of Marriage Licenses Because Of Gay Marriage Ruling

vince garcia
2014-10-31 17:13:56 UTC
Post by GSI
"Christian" Talk Radio Roundup
Posted on Oct 28, 2014
Excerpts from Philip Stallings call-in to "Reformation Nation" arguing
as a theonomist that it is the responsibility of the civil government to
carry out Old Testament law, including the execution of "sodomites."
Who the hell is Philip Stalings???
2014-10-31 17:52:11 UTC
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
"Christian" Talk Radio Roundup
Posted on Oct 28, 2014
Excerpts from Philip Stallings call-in to "Reformation Nation" arguing
as a theonomist that it is the responsibility of the civil government to
carry out Old Testament law, including the execution of "sodomites."
Who the hell is Philip Stalings???
What's the matter? Still too lazy to google the name?

vince garcia
2014-10-31 20:28:42 UTC
Post by GSI
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
"Christian" Talk Radio Roundup
Posted on Oct 28, 2014
Excerpts from Philip Stallings call-in to "Reformation Nation" arguing
as a theonomist that it is the responsibility of the civil government to
carry out Old Testament law, including the execution of "sodomites."
Who the hell is Philip Stalings???
What's the matter? Still too lazy to google the name?
I yahooed him and what came up was a guy arrested for assault.

The link you provided shows he's a former seminary student with a web

IOW he's a guy with a web site like a million other people no one ever
heard of


By this guy's own old testament standard, apparently, I am sure I could
find him guilty of breaking the sabbath if I put his life under a
microscope*: penalty--death

* Drving to church would do it.

I once watched a Sally Jesse Raphael, I think it was, where one of the
guests was a Black guy who urged Blacks to rise up and kill all Whites.
Who cares about him or this guy?

Do you really have nothing better to do w/your time than hunt up quotes
from guys no one ever heard of who have no influence over society?
2014-10-31 20:57:26 UTC
Post by GSI
Reformation Nation
Everything is One
Lady Veteran
2014-10-31 20:21:57 UTC
Post by GSI
"Christian" Talk Radio Roundup
Posted on Oct 28, 2014
Excerpts from Philip Stallings call-in to "Reformation Nation" arguing
as a theonomist that it is the responsibility of the civil government to
carry out Old Testament law, including the execution of "sodomites."
Perkins: Halloween Is Very Dangerous, Demonic
Alan Robertson: US Turning Into Nazi Germany
Wiles: Obama's the Antichrist
Perkins: Gay Rights Is A Population Control Plot
Broun: Obama May Be Purposefully Spreading Ebola
Perkins: GOP Must Impeach Obama After Election, No Excuses
Murrell: Get Condoms At Gay Bars For Your Birth Control
Barber: Satan Deceiving People Into Going Soft On LGBT Rights
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.

I have to tell you that one of the greatest code breakers of World War
2 was gay. He was constantly harassed after the war for being gay,
being persecuted by laws branding gay people as perverts, etc. It
mattered not his contributions to the war effort or the fact that he
spearheaded the breaking of the enigma code, and that if he and his
co-workers hadn't done so, we probably be having this discussion in

So I say to the idiots who want to just sweep gays from the earth: go
crawl back under your rock. You are not welcome in civilized society.

"I rode a tank and held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank."

---Sympathy for the Devil-The Rolling Stones


If you are an idiot, I am your worst nightmare. My
goal is to let the world see who you really are after
showing you to the world with your virtual pants pulled
down to expose your stupidity. If you are a racist,
fat-basher, bible thumper or a member of the teabircher
Teapotty, you would do well to avoid me at
all costs.

2014-11-01 11:14:13 UTC
Post by Lady Veteran
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.
I have to tell you that one of the greatest code breakers of World War
2 was gay. He was constantly harassed after the war for being gay,
being persecuted by laws branding gay people as perverts, etc. It
mattered not his contributions to the war effort or the fact that he
spearheaded the breaking of the enigma code, and that if he and his
co-workers hadn't done so, we probably be having this discussion in
So I say to the idiots who want to just sweep gays from the earth: go
crawl back under your rock. You are not welcome in civilized society.
Well said. Turing is one of the most amazing geniuses that
ever lived. His code breaking abilities were used by the Allies
in WW2 to know exactly what the Germans and Japanese
were going to do. No one is more responsible for Allied victory
than Alan Touring. Yet after the war, the British government
turned on him, when it learned he was gay. They destroyed
his life until he comitted suicide to escape the persecution.

Those who are gay are extreme people. They are often
extraordinary people, with talents that go far beyond those
of "normal" people. Those who want to "get rid of the gays"
want a world full of talentless "average" people, just like them.

From Wilipedia:

Alan Mathison Turing
Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical
computer science and artificial intelligence.

During World War II, Turing worked for the Government Code
and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park, Britain's
codebreaking centre. For a time he led Hut 8, the section
responsible for German naval cryptanalysis. He devised a
number of techniques for breaking German ciphers, including
improvements to the pre-war Polish bombe method, an
electromechanical machine that could find settings for the
Enigma machine. Winston Churchill said that Turing made the
single biggest contribution to Allied victory in the war
against Nazi Germany. Turing's pivotal role in cracking
intercepted coded messages enabled the Allies to defeat the
Nazis in several crucial battles. It has been estimated that
Turing's work shortened the war in Europe by as many as two
to four years.

After the war, he worked at the National Physical
Laboratory, where he designed the ACE, among the first
designs for a stored-program computer. In 1948 Turing joined
Max Newman's Computing Laboratory at Manchester University,
where he assisted development of the Manchester computers
and became interested in mathematical biology. He wrote a
paper on the chemical basis of morphogenesis, and predicted
oscillating chemical reactions such as the
Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction, first observed in the 1960s.

Turing was prosecuted for homosexuality in 1952, when such
acts were still criminalised in the UK. He accepted
treatment with oestrogen injections (chemical castration) as
an alternative to prison. Turing died in 1954, 16 days
before his 42nd birthday, from cyanide poisoning. An inquest
determined his death a suicide; his mother and some others
believed it was accidental. On 10 September 2009,
following an Internet campaign, British Prime Minister
Gordon Brown made an official public apology on behalf of
the British government for "the appalling way he was
treated." The Queen granted him a posthumous pardon on 24
December 2013.
Everything is One
vince garcia
2014-11-01 18:01:41 UTC
Post by GSI
Post by Lady Veteran
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.
I have to tell you that one of the greatest code breakers of World War
2 was gay. He was constantly harassed after the war for being gay,
being persecuted by laws branding gay people as perverts, etc. It
mattered not his contributions to the war effort or the fact that he
spearheaded the breaking of the enigma code, and that if he and his
co-workers hadn't done so, we probably be having this discussion in
So I say to the idiots who want to just sweep gays from the earth: go
crawl back under your rock. You are not welcome in civilized society.
Well said.
No, it's not well said at all. Gays have no more or less value than
straights. Any value they have is in the fact Christ died for them as
much as anyone else.
2014-11-01 23:40:47 UTC
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
Post by Lady Veteran
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.
I have to tell you that one of the greatest code breakers of World War
2 was gay. He was constantly harassed after the war for being gay,
being persecuted by laws branding gay people as perverts, etc. It
mattered not his contributions to the war effort or the fact that he
spearheaded the breaking of the enigma code, and that if he and his
co-workers hadn't done so, we probably be having this discussion in
So I say to the idiots who want to just sweep gays from the earth: go
crawl back under your rock. You are not welcome in civilized society.
Well said.
No, it's not well said at all. Gays have no more or less value than
straights. Any value they have is in the fact Christ died for them as
much as anyone else.
Spoken like a true believer in the "Christian" NAZI MASTER-RACE.
Everything is One
vince garcia
2014-11-02 01:32:11 UTC
Post by GSI
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
Post by Lady Veteran
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.
I have to tell you that one of the greatest code breakers of World War
2 was gay. He was constantly harassed after the war for being gay,
being persecuted by laws branding gay people as perverts, etc. It
mattered not his contributions to the war effort or the fact that he
spearheaded the breaking of the enigma code, and that if he and his
co-workers hadn't done so, we probably be having this discussion in
So I say to the idiots who want to just sweep gays from the earth: go
crawl back under your rock. You are not welcome in civilized society.
Well said.
No, it's not well said at all. Gays have no more or less value than
straights. Any value they have is in the fact Christ died for them as
much as anyone else.
Spoken like a true believer in the "Christian" NAZI MASTER-RACE.
Everything is One
And you speak like the shithead you always are, hypocrite.
2014-11-02 04:30:31 UTC
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
Post by Lady Veteran
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.
I have to tell you that one of the greatest code breakers of World War
2 was gay. He was constantly harassed after the war for being gay,
being persecuted by laws branding gay people as perverts, etc. It
mattered not his contributions to the war effort or the fact that he
spearheaded the breaking of the enigma code, and that if he and his
co-workers hadn't done so, we probably be having this discussion in
So I say to the idiots who want to just sweep gays from the earth: go
crawl back under your rock. You are not welcome in civilized society.
Well said.
No, it's not well said at all. Gays have no more or less value than
straights. Any value they have is in the fact Christ died for them as
much as anyone else.
Spoken like a true believer in the "Christian" NAZI MASTER-RACE.
Everything is One
And you speak like the shithead you always are, hypocrite.
NAZI EGOISTS don't like to hear the truth about themselves.

You are an EGOIST. Your "religion" is EGOTISM. Your "religion" is all about:
Who is "SUPERIOR" and who is "INFERIOR".
Who is "CHOSEN" and who will "ROAST".
Who is "RIGHTEOUS" and who is "CONDEMNED".
Who is "FAVORED by GOD" and who is "HATED by GOD".

And WHO decides who goes into what group?
Fascist hate-filled far-right "Christians", and THEIR interpretation of
the Bible.

They are EGOISTS.
Their so-called "religion" is nothing but a way to divide the world into those
they support, and those they HATE. That is what EGOISTS do.
They divide the world into THEIR SIDE and the "ENEMY".
They live to relish the "WINS" for their side, over the hated ENEMY,
because a "WIN" for THEIR SIDE is a "WIN" for THEM and Proof of THEIR
They live to be "SUPERIOR" and "RIGHT" about everything.
They want AMERICA to be powerful, because then THEY are powerful.
They want AMERICA to be HOLY and PURE, because then THEY are
They want AMERICA to be SUPERIOR, EXCEPTIONAL, because then
They want AMERICA to RULE the WORLD, because then THEY RULE
the WORLD, and are SUPERIOR to ALL.
They want AMERICA to DESTROY the "ENEMY", because then THEY WIN
over the hated ENEMY, and are "SUPERIOR" and "RIGHT".
vince garcia
2014-11-02 11:34:19 UTC
Let's see--you have been saying you are going to be exterminated when
repubs take power.

That will hopefully be on tuesday.

What's the countdown to your death then? Can you give us an estimate?
2014-11-02 12:31:34 UTC
Post by vince garcia
Let's see--you have been saying you are going to be exterminated when
repubs take power.
That will hopefully be on tuesday.
What's the countdown to your death then? Can you give us an estimate?
How would I know when you NAZI monsters plan to kill me? I'm sure I'll
be just one of tens of millions when the killing of those you HATE begins.
I won't go quietly, though. Bring an army and a few truckloads of body bags.
I'll be waiting.
See you in HELL.
Everything is One
vince garcia
2014-11-02 12:49:29 UTC
Post by GSI
Post by vince garcia
Let's see--you have been saying you are going to be exterminated when
repubs take power.
That will hopefully be on tuesday.
What's the countdown to your death then? Can you give us an estimate?
How would I know when you NAZI monsters plan to kill me? I'm sure I'll
be just one of tens of millions when the killing of those you HATE begins.
I won't go quietly, though. Bring an army and a few truckloads of body bags.
I'll be waiting.
See you in HELL.
Everything is One
Who else will be exterminted with you? Will repubs be exterminating all
the gays? All the democrats? All the Catholics? All the Jews All the

Who all is going to killed by the evil republicans?
2014-11-02 14:27:02 UTC
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
Post by vince garcia
Let's see--you have been saying you are going to be exterminated when
repubs take power.
That will hopefully be on tuesday.
What's the countdown to your death then? Can you give us an estimate?
How would I know when you NAZI monsters plan to kill me? I'm sure I'll
be just one of tens of millions when the killing of those you HATE begins.
I won't go quietly, though. Bring an army and a few truckloads of body bags.
I'll be waiting.
See you in HELL.
Everything is One
Who else will be exterminted with you? Will repubs be exterminating all
the gays? All the democrats? All the Catholics? All the Jews All the
Who all is going to killed by the evil republicans?
You're a right-winger - why ask me?
And yes - they will kill ALL those they HATE, Mexicans will be near
the top of the list, right after gays / lesbians.

!. Moslems
2. Trannies
3. Homosexuals
4. Lesbians
5. Mexicans
6. Puerto Ricans
7. All remaining Latinos
8. Atheists
9. Intellectuals, College professors, Liberal students
10. Liberals, Democrats
11. Non-Evangelical, non-saved, Mormans
12. Non believers in Creationism, Seventh Day Adventists, Shakers,
Quakers, Unitarians
TOTAL: 250-275 Million
2014-11-02 16:27:20 UTC
Post by GSI
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
Post by vince garcia
Let's see--you have been saying you are going to be exterminated when
repubs take power.
That will hopefully be on tuesday.
What's the countdown to your death then? Can you give us an estimate?
How would I know when you NAZI monsters plan to kill me? I'm sure I'll
be just one of tens of millions when the killing of those you HATE begins.
I won't go quietly, though. Bring an army and a few truckloads of body bags.
I'll be waiting.
See you in HELL.
Everything is One
Who else will be exterminted with you? Will repubs be exterminating all
the gays? All the democrats? All the Catholics? All the Jews All the
Who all is going to killed by the evil republicans?
You're a right-winger - why ask me?
And yes - they will kill ALL those they HATE, Mexicans will be near
the top of the list, right after gays / lesbians.
!. Moslems
2. Trannies
3. Homosexuals
4. Lesbians
5. Mexicans
6. Puerto Ricans
7. All remaining Latinos
8. Atheists
9. Intellectuals, College professors, Liberal students
10. Liberals, Democrats
11. Non-Evangelical, non-saved, Mormans
12. Non believers in Creationism, Seventh Day Adventists, Shakers,
Quakers, Unitarians
TOTAL: 250-275 Million
13. JW's - because nobody wants creepy people knocking on
their front door unexpectedly. This will be done on a direct
request from God Himself, with the full cooperation of Jesus,
to ensure that every last one has been killed, buried, the grave
dynamited, the remains roasted to ash, and the ashes sent
by rocket to the sun to be ionized, just to make sure.
2014-11-02 13:57:32 UTC
Post by vince garcia
Let's see--you have been saying you are going to be exterminated when
repubs take power.
That will hopefully be on tuesday.
What's the countdown to your death then? Can you give us an estimate?
I have a front row seat reserved and some buttered popcorn ready!
May it give you a heart attack or stroke.
Everything is One
Lady Veteran
2014-11-12 15:52:03 UTC
On Sat, 01 Nov 2014 17:32:11 -0800, vince garcia
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
Post by Lady Veteran
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.
I have to tell you that one of the greatest code breakers of World War
2 was gay. He was constantly harassed after the war for being gay,
being persecuted by laws branding gay people as perverts, etc. It
mattered not his contributions to the war effort or the fact that he
spearheaded the breaking of the enigma code, and that if he and his
co-workers hadn't done so, we probably be having this discussion in
So I say to the idiots who want to just sweep gays from the earth: go
crawl back under your rock. You are not welcome in civilized society.
Well said.
No, it's not well said at all. Gays have no more or less value than
straights. Any value they have is in the fact Christ died for them as
much as anyone else.
Spoken like a true believer in the "Christian" NAZI MASTER-RACE.
Everything is One
And you speak like the shithead you always are, hypocrite.
2014-11-01 23:41:53 UTC
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
Post by Lady Veteran
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.
I have to tell you that one of the greatest code breakers of World War
2 was gay. He was constantly harassed after the war for being gay,
being persecuted by laws branding gay people as perverts, etc. It
mattered not his contributions to the war effort or the fact that he
spearheaded the breaking of the enigma code, and that if he and his
co-workers hadn't done so, we probably be having this discussion in
So I say to the idiots who want to just sweep gays from the earth: go
crawl back under your rock. You are not welcome in civilized society.
Well said.
No, it's not well said at all. Gays have no more or less value than
straights. Any value they have is in the fact Christ died for them as
much as anyone else.
If they are of the elect. Christ died for the elect. Many will be
called but few will be chosen. Mankind that is, not gays. Or Ike.
Spoken like a true believer in the "Christian" NAZI MASTER-RACE.
Everything is One
Lady Veteran
2014-11-02 18:08:04 UTC
On Sat, 01 Nov 2014 10:01:41 -0800, vince garcia
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
Post by Lady Veteran
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.
I have to tell you that one of the greatest code breakers of World War
2 was gay. He was constantly harassed after the war for being gay,
being persecuted by laws branding gay people as perverts, etc. It
mattered not his contributions to the war effort or the fact that he
spearheaded the breaking of the enigma code, and that if he and his
co-workers hadn't done so, we probably be having this discussion in
So I say to the idiots who want to just sweep gays from the earth: go
crawl back under your rock. You are not welcome in civilized society.
Well said.
No, it's not well said at all. Gays have no more or less value than
straights. Any value they have is in the fact Christ died for them as
much as anyone else.
In general that is true. However, I am simply pointing out that the
prejudice and harassment of one person robbed us of someone who had a
lot more to offer that would have benefited mankind a great deal.

Prejudice robs, it kills, it murders. People who aid and abet this
behavior are accomplices.

Pure and simple.

"I rode a tank and held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank."

---Sympathy for the Devil-The Rolling Stones


If you are an idiot, I am your worst nightmare. My
goal is to let the world see who you really are after
showing you to the world with your virtual pants pulled
down to expose your stupidity. If you are a racist,
fat-basher, bible thumper or a member of the teabircher
Teapotty, you would do well to avoid me at
all costs.

vince garcia
2014-11-02 20:45:17 UTC
Post by Lady Veteran
On Sat, 01 Nov 2014 10:01:41 -0800, vince garcia
Post by vince garcia
Post by GSI
Post by Lady Veteran
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.
I have to tell you that one of the greatest code breakers of World War
2 was gay. He was constantly harassed after the war for being gay,
being persecuted by laws branding gay people as perverts, etc. It
mattered not his contributions to the war effort or the fact that he
spearheaded the breaking of the enigma code, and that if he and his
co-workers hadn't done so, we probably be having this discussion in
So I say to the idiots who want to just sweep gays from the earth: go
crawl back under your rock. You are not welcome in civilized society.
Well said.
No, it's not well said at all. Gays have no more or less value than
straights. Any value they have is in the fact Christ died for them as
much as anyone else.
In general that is true. However, I am simply pointing out that the
prejudice and harassment of one person robbed us of someone who had a
lot more to offer that would have benefited mankind a great deal.
Prejudice robs, it kills, it murders. People who aid and abet this
behavior are accomplices.
Pure and simple.
Yes, that is a shame, I agree. Though being what Itchy calls a
"Christian Fascist," my overall personal attitude tends to be one of "I
don't care what people do behind closed doors."
2014-11-03 03:13:59 UTC
Post by GSI
Post by Lady Veteran
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.
I have to tell you that one of the greatest code breakers of World War
2 was gay. He was constantly harassed after the war for being gay,
being persecuted by laws branding gay people as perverts, etc. It
mattered not his contributions to the war effort or the fact that he
spearheaded the breaking of the enigma code, and that if he and his
co-workers hadn't done so, we probably be having this discussion in
So I say to the idiots who want to just sweep gays from the earth: go
crawl back under your rock. You are not welcome in civilized society.
Well said. Turing is one of the most amazing geniuses that
Yes. Bravo.

Be sure to catch Benedict Cumberbatch in the movie bio about him.

Don't know when it airs tho.
2014-11-03 11:33:26 UTC
Post by Lady Veteran
Post by GSI
"Christian" Talk Radio Roundup
Posted on Oct 28, 2014
Excerpts from Philip Stallings call-in to "Reformation Nation" arguing
as a theonomist that it is the responsibility of the civil government to
carry out Old Testament law, including the execution of "sodomites."
Perkins: Halloween Is Very Dangerous, Demonic
Alan Robertson: US Turning Into Nazi Germany
Wiles: Obama's the Antichrist
Perkins: Gay Rights Is A Population Control Plot
Broun: Obama May Be Purposefully Spreading Ebola
Perkins: GOP Must Impeach Obama After Election, No Excuses
Murrell: Get Condoms At Gay Bars For Your Birth Control
Barber: Satan Deceiving People Into Going Soft On LGBT Rights
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.
Homosexuality is NOT "a victimless crime:" It destroys the body, soul,
and spirit of both the participant, and those who are exposed to it.

Saying homosexuality is a "victimless crime" is like saying that
adultery or any other sexual sin is a victimless crime. Let's see how
that lie goes over with millions of married women.

Lady Veteran
2014-11-03 16:48:07 UTC
Post by Ike
Post by Lady Veteran
Post by GSI
"Christian" Talk Radio Roundup
Posted on Oct 28, 2014
Excerpts from Philip Stallings call-in to "Reformation Nation" arguing
as a theonomist that it is the responsibility of the civil government to
carry out Old Testament law, including the execution of "sodomites."
Perkins: Halloween Is Very Dangerous, Demonic
Alan Robertson: US Turning Into Nazi Germany
Wiles: Obama's the Antichrist
Perkins: Gay Rights Is A Population Control Plot
Broun: Obama May Be Purposefully Spreading Ebola
Perkins: GOP Must Impeach Obama After Election, No Excuses
Murrell: Get Condoms At Gay Bars For Your Birth Control
Barber: Satan Deceiving People Into Going Soft On LGBT Rights
How can it be bad to respect others? This is the classic case of
creating a victimless crime.
Homosexuality is NOT "a victimless crime:" It destroys the body, soul,
and spirit of both the participant, and those who are exposed to it.
No. Society is the destroyer. If society in general was not so quick
to judge, a gay person could have the same chance as the rest of us to
find happiness with someone they love.

You saying it is evil does not make it so-you don't have that power.
Post by Ike
Saying homosexuality is a "victimless crime" is like saying that
adultery or any other sexual sin is a victimless crime. Let's see how
that lie goes over with millions of married women.
Well, it depends on the "victim" doesn't it? If a person is in a
loveless marriage, they should divorce, but even though adultery is
not acceptable, it is understood.

Sometimes adultery is a rebellion against society norms, like someone
finding out they are gay....TA DAA!! Here we go again.

"I rode a tank and held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank."

---Sympathy for the Devil-The Rolling Stones


If you are an idiot, I am your worst nightmare. My
goal is to let the world see who you really are after
showing you to the world with your virtual pants pulled
down to expose your stupidity. If you are a racist,
fat-basher, bible thumper or a member of the teabircher
Teapotty, you would do well to avoid me at
all costs.
